It's How I Cook
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I'm BAAAAAAAaaaack! And I have some Black Forest Cake for you, little girl -- you want some cake, little girl? (I don't know what this costs...)
Hi everyone! I've been on unannounced hiatus, I guess. But I'm back , and I'm cooking, and I'm posting, and I know you'r...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Eggplant You Can Spread on a Pita (a couple of bucks, maybe an hour including pre-baking the eggplant)
T his is a recipe I owe to Manjula , sort of -- it's Manjula plus Bombay Cafe minus oil plus a cuisinart (this is exactly the low-rent...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Cheap, Easy Bread (30 cents a loaf; preparation takes 15 minutes max, baking about 30)
You'd think that a post with the title "Cheap, Easy" and "Bread" -- well, it would inspire me with my most risque co...
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Friday, February 12, 2010
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite Toast ($3 or less, fifteen minutes)
This is not a picture of food. It is, instead, a painting by Delacroix , called " Liberty Leading the People ," or more correctly ...
Sweet Potatoes ala Davidson sort of (less than a dollar, a little more than half an hour)
Danielle Davidson was one of the finest students I've ever had the privilege to teach. No, she's not dead. She just graduated and go...
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Grits (Geez, I don't know: 50 cents?; about half an hour)
Technically, these are jalapeno cheese grits (milled locally). And what about those pasty white crap grits you might find at, oh, Waffle Hou...
Friday, February 5, 2010
Okay, Yes, Technically it's Fried (under one dollar; about fifteen minutes)
Fried okra. My first marriage didn't work out. However, I learned some things about cooking in the eight years of that relationship. Ban...
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